Communication, Dissemination, and Exploitation Strategy
Maximizing the impact of the crAIRsis project's activities hinges on effective communication, dissemination, and exploitation of results. Our strategy focuses on implementing a comprehensive, long-term plan for knowledge management. This involves developing targeted communication tools designed to both highlight the project's advancements and sustain engagement and awareness among key audiences such as researchers, academia, policy-makers, and various stakeholders.
Our dedicated website serves as the central hub for introducing crAIRsis and its myriad activities. It plays a crucial role in establishing the project's online presence, communicating objectives and activities, maintaining subscriber engagement, and disseminating results. Features of the website include documentation of innovative methodologies, generation of summaries and interactive visualizations, and updates on relevant project news and events.
Throughout the project, active dissemination efforts will include:
- Publishing at least eight peer-reviewed scientific papers in open-access journals and presenting findings at international conferences, ensuring comprehensive information reaches the scientific community, the public, and policymakers.
- Organizing dedicated events aligned with major crAIRsis milestones. These include public meetings, workshops, roundtables, and seminars aimed at engaging the research community, supporting media coverage, and communicating with national-level stakeholders for feedback and improvement.
- Initiating partnerships with relevant national institutions and the non-governmental sector in Serbia and potentially scaling these communications to the European level. These initiatives will focus on sharing insights on the crisis's impact on AQ and improving crisis management.
- Utilizing social media, newspapers, television, and other channels to communicate the public benefits of crAIRsis findings.
- Regular newsletters to keep the crAIRsis team, contacts, and stakeholders informed and engaged with the project's progress.
- Producing leaflets for raising awareness, particularly at workshops and conferences attended by the project team.
- Facilitating knowledge sharing within the team and with international institutions, fostering collaboration and creating opportunities for future consortiums and projects.
The Laboratory for Media and Communications at the IPB will support these efforts, offering expertise in promoting science and providing content and logistical support for science journalism.
Given crAIRsis’s digital orientation and its development of publicly available data, algorithms, and infrastructural technologies, safeguarding intellectual property rights is a priority. We will regulate access and use rights through an electronic statement on IP, which includes specific requirements for usage that may deviate from standard definitions.
This comprehensive approach ensures that crAIRsis not only achieves its scientific goals but also establishes a lasting impact through effective communication and engagement with all relevant stakeholders.